Day One: Pandemonium at the Palladium - so much for Dinner at the only NICE restaurant in town
We had something even better! Dinner at Maggie's!!!!! -Maggie's famous meatballs over rice with her "special sauce"
Day Two:
Stich and Carpe strut the beach at Make Out Lake
Later that day at the Mall Maggie and Stich are stopped and asked to pose for Leonardo
"Hey Misterrrrrr Willlllllson"
It was a very hot day, the group sought refuge at the State Capital!
Kansas State Capital Building in Topeka
"Here comes Da Judge"!
Stich bear with her Cub
We enjoyed the Grand Tour of Washburn University!!!
Later that night:
Stich and Carpe put on their B E E R Goggles
After a wild night at the Loosey Goosey watchin' Humpty Dumpty fall off the wall, on our way to breakfast at Denny's! (squishy eggs for Maggie please, make mine scrambled) we stopped off to visit Maggie's silver VW at the car lot, but the photo didn't come out! At least I have a keepsake of MY dream car "A Girl's Gotta Dream"!
When we got home we had this photo taken for our favorite noodler, Zonnie!!!!!!! "DO I HAVE THE WORD
Sad part is...we wrote it out three times on paper to be sure we didn't mispell it!
"I know I can beat this kid!....Maybe Arthur Can?"
How cool was this?
We went to see a taping of the Jay Leno show.
This is where Maggie got to meet the victim of our "Sign Carpe's Guestbook" campaign
CORY CHURKO!!!!!!!!!!!
"Forgive Me, I just haven't been the same since that house fell on my sister!"
"I always thought Carpe was a fish"?!?!